Incomplete Bookings
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

A booking is considered "Complete" when all attending carers have checked in and out. If a booking gets past the scheduled finish time without all attending carers checking in and out then it will be deemed incomplete. As a result, the booking will be ineligible for both payroll and invoicing.

You can see a list of incomplete bookings under Bookings → Incomplete.

You should notice an icon next to the carers names indicating the status of these visits:

  • X - No check ins have been received

  • Tick - The carer has checked in, but not out

  • Double tick (bookings with multiple carers only) - That carer has checked in and out, but other attending carers haven't

You can also see incomplete bookings on the roster. As a default, these will show up in purple.


Adding completions

Incomplete bookings are not eligible for financials. If the booking did take place, you will need to add completions (manual check-ins) to include them in your invoice and payroll runs.

To add the completions, you can either click the ⋮ icon next to the booking, you can use the tick boxes down the left side to select multiple, or you can select all by clicking the box above the tick boxes to select all per page.

ℹ️ 20 results will show per page by default, but you can select up to 100 per page by clicking on the number at the bottom of the page.

You can add the check in/out individually using the toggles, or mark all as departed to add in both for al the selected bookings. For each booking, it is possible to amend the check in or out time for each instance where it has been added manually as well as adding visit validation exceptions, and leaving comments. Click save to complete.

Bookings that have manual check ins added will not need to be confirmed.

Video walkthrough

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