Unplanned Visits
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

There may be occasions where carers may need to attend a client before the visit can be added to the roster; for example covering a last minute sickness.

Starting an unplanned visit

Unplanned visits allow carers to start a visit themselves by scanning the client's QR code. Please note that an active internet connection is needed for the app to start an unplanned visit.


When the app recognises that the carer isn't scheduled to see the client, it will look up the client's details and prompt the carer to start an unplanned visit.

Once the carer confirms they'd like to start the visit, the following will happen:

  • The app will talk to the server, and create a new booking. The carer will be checked in and the app will behave as it would for a regularly scheduled booking; client details, tasks, notes, and documents will all be available.

  • When the server is creating the new booking, it will make best guesses for the following options:

    • Carer & clients contracts - the defaults will be used

    • Team

    • Address - if the client has multiple addresses, it will choose the one closest to the check-in location

  • The start time of the new booking will be set to the time that the carer checked in, and the duration will be set to 5 minutes by default.

  • Once the carer checks out, the finish time of the booking will be updated.

Reconciling an unplanned visit

After the unplanned visit has been completed, you will need to reconcile the booking and adjust any options as necessary.

Unplanned visits can be found by opening Reconciliation β†’ Bookings β†’ Unplanned. You will see a list of all unplanned visits that require reconciliation. The filters to the right hand side can be used to bookings that have already been reconciled.


Click on the booking you want to reconcile, adjust any options as required, and click Reconcile to save your changes.

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