Carer Can't See a Booking
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

If a carer cannot see a booking or a shift on their app, but it is showing in the roster and rota, there there are a few things you can check.

Has it been published?

If you double click on the booking and click view, you will be able to see if it has not been published. This data is on the right hand side of the resulting screen.

Click the icon to the right of not published to push this booking through, or read more about publishing in this article.

Has the app synced?

It could be that the carer's app has not received the changes, most likely due to either having data/WiFi being turned off, or being in an area with poor signal. If your carers are on Android, you can check whether the app has received these changes. Please note iOS does not support sync confirmation.

If you double click on a booking, click the three dots next to the carer's name and select app status, you should see this pop up.

This shows that the carer app has not received this booking.

Once their device has internet, either by connecting to data/WiFi, or by moving into an area with better signal - their app should sync data again.

Check the article Syncing issues? if internet and data are on but the device still isn't syncing properly.

Booking too far in advance?

Irrespective of any publishing settings, the furthest in advance a carer can see ahead is 28 days. If the booking is further away than 28 days, it will not show in the carer's apps.

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