Adding a Care Circle Member
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

The Care Circle allows family, friends, social workers, healthcare professionals and other external stakeholders to access information about a person's care.

ℹ️ The Care Circle can only be opened in a browser and is separate from the companion app, which is only for carers.

Access levels

You can control what level of access can be given when inviting a person to view the Care Circle. Take a look at Care Circle Roles. The full list of what can be accessed can be found here and also in Settings → Care Circle.

Setting up a Care Circle member

To invite a person to a client's Care Circle, go to their record and click into the Care Circle tab and click "add member" before entering the email address they will use to log in. This will check within the management portal to check if a user account with that email already exists.


If one does exist, you will be shown the details of that person alongside any other people they can view in the Care Circle. If a user account does not exist, you will be taken to add their details in. For both options, you will need to select a relationship to the client, as well as the access level they should have. You will also have the option to make them a one time access authoriser Once completed, select create and this will queue an invitation to be sent to the person.


Once sent the invitee will have an email sent to them with a link. This will take them to a page asking them to create a password. Once they have done this, they will be able to log in using your agency's URL and their newly created password.


This link will expire if not used. If the invitation has expired then there will be a status next to the person's name stating so. Otherwise it will say "Invitation sent", or "Invitation Accepted".


Once they have completed this, they can then log in to view the family portal.

ℹ️ Care Circle members must go to the same URL that is used for your management portal to log in and not the link in the email.

Removing access to the Care Circle

To remove a person access to the family module, head to the client's family module tab and delete the person from their list. This will stop them being able to access the Care Circle from thereon out.

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