Where the Data Comes From
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

The app is populated with data from the management portal and client records, but where does the information shown come from? In this article, we're going to be delving into where information entered into the management portal shows within the app so you can see what needs to be added and where!


This shows details of the next booking, client, booking type and time. Taken from the actual booking entry that has either originated from the scheduled entry, or an ad-hoc entry.


Management portal - Opened booking


The Rota on the app relates directly to the bookings on the main Roster screen and client agenda.


Management portal - Roster screen

Overview - Client information

The overview appears for every visit for each client. The top section shows information including what time the booking is and the booking type. It will also show whether the carer has checked in or not. The first section allows you to see information relating to the client, including their age (and D.O.B.), phone number (see below) agenda and documents.

The carers will only be able to see the client's phone number and agenda if allowed in the App Config settings!


Management portal - Overview tab

Overview - Address and phone number

Both the client's phone number and their address can be added on at the same time as creating their record. Within their record, you are able to amend them for the client's profile tab. Here you can add in other contact details, additional addresses and access info.


Management portal - Profile tab

Overview - Care package summary

There are three sections here:

  • Visit Notes - These can either be entered on the scheduled booking, where they will repeat each time a live booking is created from it. Or added to an individual booking. These will only be visible in the relevant visits.

  • Care package summary & Rota comments - Added in the client's overview and will be visible in all of their visits


Management portal - Overview tab

Management portal - Schedule entry/booking


Tasks are created and managed in a client's task tab within the management portal. Depending on the method chosen, either the time or the linked schedule entry will determine if a task appears in the app.


Management portal


The only notes visible in the app are the booking notes and the handover notes. These can only be made within the app by carers. All notes left through the app, including their check out comments are visible in the management portal in the client's journal and can be made visible in the care circle too.



Documents are added to the client's record through their documents tab.

In order for documents to be visible in the app, they must be a PDF and have the carer app option ticked!


Management portal

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