Soft Authentication
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

Help Notes – Security – Soft Authentication on the Carer Companion App

Soft Authentication is available in the Android app from version 5.2.0, and iOS version 0.1.8. carers will need to update their Carer Companion Apps.

CareLineLive have added further security features to the Carer Companion App, so that the administrator can control the duration from when the Carer Companion App is closed, to when the password/finger print will need to be re-entered on opening it again. This can be set so that every time the app is opened, the carer needs to enter their password/fingerprint is required, or a time duration. (This is the password/fingerprint that they use to unlock the phone, not a CareLineLive password.

The setting for this is as follows, go to Settings > App Config


CareLineLive’s default setting for this is 1 minute. If the time limit is set to ‘0’ then they will be prompted for password/fingerprint each time they open the Carer Companion App.

Once the time threshold has passed, when the carer opens the Carer Companion App, they are prompted for their password/fingerprint. Once this has been entered/scanned, they should be able to use the app as normal.

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