Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago


CareLineLive can help you calculate payments for carers' bookings, shifts, and leave but it cannot submit any information to HMRC.

ℹ️ Each of these will require confirmation in order to be payable, see Confirming Bookings, Marking Shifts as Attended, and Approving Leave. Anything that has not been confirmed will not be included in the calculation. Any items previously included in a payroll run will also be excluded from subsequent runs.

Generating Payslips

Click the + icon on the Payroll Runs page to start a new payroll run. You have a few options you can configure:

If your environment is set up with multiple teams you can select which teams to include in this run, if multiple teams are selected you can also choose whether to create separate payslips for each team a carer belongs to.

Give the payroll run an easily identifiable name. This will be generated by default.

You have the option to select the date range that you wish to pick up payable items for. If the From date is left empty, the system will include any items that haven't previously been picked up. Note that dates are inclusive.

Include leave?
Whether you wish to include leave calculations in the payslip. See Holiday/Leave Pay for more information on how this can be set up.

Click Create to start generating the payslips. The process may take a few minutes, especially if mileage is also being calculated.

Viewing payslips

Once the run has finished calculating, you will be shown a list of all payslips that were created. Click a payslip to open the detail page.

The top of the screen will show a summary, including number of hours worked, mileage, travel time, and leave. There is also a section to leave any notes you may wish to keep.

The Payments section gives you a breakdown of the items present on the payslip. For each item, there may be one or more sub-item describing how the net amount was calculated. For example, a booking may have an hourly rate based calculation, plus mileage and travel time. Notes may be also be included which give an indication as to how the amount was calculated. These can be helpful if an amount isn't as expected.

Each item can be further modified: you can rename, adjust the quantity and rate, or remove items from the payslip.

Click the Recalculate button to re-generate the payslip. This can be useful if you have made a change to the contract since the payslip was generated.

The payslip can be deleted if you wish to remove it from that particular payroll run.


Once you have reviewed the payslips, you can lock the run. At this point each payslip will be given a payslip number and a process date, and prevent any further modification. If it's necessary to modify the run after it's been locked, it's possible to unlock it.


In the top right hand side of the Payroll Run, you can export a summary excel or a PDF of the run.

Payslips can also be exported to PDF if you wish to distribute a breakdown to your carers. You will soon be able to email these directly to the care workers.

Excel Summary

The summary Excel spreadsheet breaks down the run further into summarised components, giving summaries for types of leave, mileage, which days the carer worked and more. This format can be useful when passing details on to an accountant.


Allows you to export an Excel spreadsheet that lists all of the visits that are part of a Payroll Run, including call monitoring and net pay information.

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