Fixed rates
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

Fixed rates can be used if you want to charge or pay the same amount irrespective of the length of the visit. You can add as many fixed rates as you like, and optionally set a default.

ℹ️ Setting a fixed rate as a default will mean that this rate is used for every booking on this contract, unless overridden.

If no default is chosen, hourly calculation will be used unless a fixed rate is specified. This can be used if a contract only occasionally requires a fixed rate, such as on-call shifts for carers or night visits for service users.

Setting up a fixed rate

To set up a fixed rate, go to either a carer contract type, or a client service contract type. Scroll down to fixed rates and click 'enable'. You will need to name the rate, and set the amount that will be used for the booking.


If you wish to use a different rate for public holidays or special days, you can set this within the rules section. Click the + button to expand the section before selecting the options. After you have chosen the date, you have three options for how this will affect the rate:

  • Add - Add on an additional value to the original rate e.g. add £50 to an original rate of £100 to get £150

  • Subtract - Subtract a value from the original rate e.g. subtract £50 from the original rate of £100 to get £50.

  • Set - Set a completely new rate e.g. set the rate at £150

⚠️ Please note that using the subtract option will use a lower rate for the booking than the original.


How to use fixed rates

You can either choose to set a contract to use fixed rates by default, or as an additional option when creating schedule entries, visits or shifts.

  • Schedule entries - When applying a fixed rate to a schedule entry, the rate will be used for every booking or shift generated from it. You are able to remove this, or select a different rate after creation

  • Bookings/shifts - When applying a fixed rate to a booking, this is a one off action

How will this appear on a payslip/invoice?

The fixed rate will be named in place of the hourly rate or non pro rata rates on the invoice/payslip.

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