Observations introduction (app)
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

Carers are now able to recorded observations within the Carer Companion App. There are 6 available to start with; we’re planning to add many more in the coming months!

Each category of observation has its own unique options that can be recorded.

An observation category refers to the type of observation.

What the client had to drink, and how much

What the client had to eat, optionally including different components of the meal and their nutritional values by scanning barcodes

What the client’s blood glucose reading is in mmol/L or mg/dL

What the client’s blood pressure reading is

Catheter output, including colour and volume in ml

Facilitates regular observations of a pre-recorded injury. Carers can log the current state and progression.

What information is recorded?

Any information that is recorded by an observation is visible to the office, and potentially to other stakeholders through the Care Circle portal (formerly Family Portal). Stakeholders may consist of: Specialist Nurses, GP practices, Emergency Services, Social Workers, Case Managers, and of course Family Members.


Similar to recording a status for a task, an Observation Status allows you to specify whether the observation was completed normally, it was refused, or there was another reason that prevented it from being recorded. The options in this list may look different on your app.



This is the time that the observation was recorded. By default this will be set to the current time, but it can be adjusted in the event that you are completing the records after the visit has finished.

The timestamp must be between the start & finish time of the visit


Opportunity to leave additional comments that provide additional context about the observation.

Some statuses may require that a comment is left, for example when a status is Refused you would be expected to write the reason it was rejected.

Other information

Each type of observation has can also have specific information that needs to be collected. For example: quantity/volume for fluid observations; diastolic/systolic readings for blood pressure; urine colour & volume for catheter observations.

Check the observation-specific support articles for more information about these.

How to record an observation

After checking into a service user’s visit, look out for the :loupe: button. This will be found in the bottom-right of the screen when the visit is open, please see below:


Once you've tapped this button, you'll be taken to a screen listing all of the different types of observation you're able to record.

Have a look at the following pages for information specific to recording each of the observations:

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