Incident Reporting
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

We’ve added the ability to record and track incidents directly within CareLineLive. It allows you to link to contextual information, such as bookings, carers involved, notes left by carers, task completions and more.

Incidents always have a primary affected person. This can be either a client, carer, or office staff member.

Creating an incident


In order to create an incident, we’ll ask for some basic information in order to get started.


The type of incident being recorded. Allows you to categorise the incident.


Accident, incident, near miss, or unexplained incident.

Who was affected?

The client, carer, or office staff member that was the affected party.

Direct involvement

Who were the other persons involved in the incident. This can be any person or organisation already stored in CareLineLive, or you can add someone from scratch.

When did the incident happen?

The date & time of the incident. Date is required, but the time can be left blank if unknown.

Was it during a visit?

If yes is selected, we’ll suggest a list of bookings that the incident may have occurred in, based on the persons involved and the date/time.

When was the incident reported?

It may be that an incident isn’t reported straight away. In these cases it’s important to distinguish both when it happened and when it was reported.

How urgent should the response be?

This is to help you prioritise how quickly an incident should be resolved.

Once you’ve filled out the above information, you can click Create to start the incident report process. You’ll be taken to a new screen where you can fill out more information surrounding the Circumstances, Investigation, and Outcome.

Creating an incident from a carer concern

There may be a time where a concern that has been reported by a carer needs to be recorded as an incident. We’ve made it easy to start an incident report directly from a carer concern, which will attach additional context such as the booking and related note/task/observation.

From the carer concerns list, click the three dots to the right of the row, and then ⚠️ Start an incident report. You’ll be taken to a page where you can continue filing the incident report.


This step will ask for additional information surrounding the circumstances of the incident.

Did the incident occur within the visit?

Whether the incident was during the visit, or before/after

Where did the incident occur?

The location of the incident


Full details of the incident.


This will allow you to upload any files that evidence the incident, such as photos


Once an investigation has started, you can record who is investigating the incident, the expected resolution time frame, and any external stakeholders or contacts.

Investigating person(s)

The person(s) or organisations investigating the incident.

External stakeholders

Any external stakeholders

Due date

When you expect a resolution for the incident to be recorded.

External notifications

Any external parties who may have been notified about the incident. E.g., CQC


Details of the outcome/resolution of the incident.


Has the incident been resolved, deferred, or referred to an external party?

Resolution date

The date that the incident was considered resolved.

Further actions

Has the service user’s care plan been updated? If so, what changes were made?


This an opportunity to evidence how you’ve responded to the incident, including the method in which the incident was dealt with and any changes that have been made as a result.

We’ve used the CQC’s Key Lines of Enquiry as a guide for these questions.

Deleting an incident

This should only be done if the incident was created in error or it was a test incident. Click the Delete button in the bottom-left of the screen. You’ll be asked to confirm your password before deletion.

Video walkthrough

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